Enhancements to better serve you are coming soon!

Legends Bank - Legendary Service. Extraordinary People.


With our new real-time alerts, you can keep even better track of your money, and spend less time doing it. Simply set up your alerts… and focus on business instead!

Want to know if a balance drops? How about when a deposit is made, or when your debit card is used? With our real-time alerts, you’ll know the moment it happens, without ever logging in. They’re not only convenient, they can also help you spot signs of fraud and identity theft. Plus, there are a variety of alerts to choose from, and the notifications you receive are completely up to you. If an alert is triggered, it can be delivered to your mobile phone via text message, your email inbox, or inside your online banking. By keeping constant watch over your accounts, every moment of every day, our new alerts offer even stronger security, a new level of convenience, and a new piece of mind.

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You receive alerts through online messages, email, or even text messages on your phone. The fully automated messages are sent in real-time, keeping you up to date when:

  • balance thresholds are hit
  • bill payments are due
  • ACH transactions are presented as payment
  • checks have cleared


Want to know about changes to your finances? How about your online security? With our secure real-time alerts, you’ll know the moment it happens, and enrolling is easy. Begin by setting up your contact information. If it’s populated, simply send the activation code to that address. Once received, type it in to activate. To add a new email address or mobile number, just type it in and activate it the same way. You can also set up Do Not Disturb times and if an alert is triggered – we’ll wait and notify you when that period has ended. Next, add your alerts. Select a category to display its individual alerts. Then, select an alert to set it up. When finished, simply close the window and your alerts are ready to go. You can set up as many as you’d like. Selecting Next, displays the Alerts Overview page, which shows a list of your currently active alerts. You can edit or delete alerts at any time, and if one of the alerts you’ve setup is triggered, you’ll be notified the moment it happens. Secure, real-time alerts are not only convenient, they can offer a strong level of security for your finances.

Quick Tour

When you login, you will immediately see if there are any unread alerts in your secure inbox. Selecting Alerts from the menu displays a quick overview of the alerts you’ve previously set up, including: the category, type of alert, and where it will be delivered. You can edit or delete your alerts at any time. Alert Options provides a full menu of the alerts that are available to monitor your accounts. To add a new alert, just select a topic, the type of alert you’d like to add, then how you’d like to be contacted. Contact Options, is where you set up your contact information, including your email addresses, and numbers to use when sending text messages. It’s also where you may add Do Not Disturb times – during which any alerts generated are held until the period ends. Sent Alerts displays a list of your alerts that have been activated.


The Overview tab displays a list of the alerts you’re currently subscribed to. If you’re new to alerts, your list will be empty. Alert Options is where you may add alerts. Once added, they’ll be included in your list, and grouped by category, such as Security and Balance. Each alert includes the type of alert, and where it will be delivered. You can edit or delete your alerts at any time. To make a change, simply update the information, then save to return back to the Overview page.


Alert Options displays the available options for adding alerts. These include:

  • Security Alerts –  when any of your account access information is changed, such as a change to your address.
  • Balance Alerts monitor the amount of money in your account.
  • Transaction Alerts – watch for specific payments, checks or deposits.
  • Transfer Alerts – notify you when a transfer takes place.
  • ATM Alerts – sent when certain ATM transactions occur.
  • Other Alerts – which notify you about unexpected activity.

Selecting a category displays the individual alerts within that category.

Simply add alerts that are important to you.

For example: in the Balance Alerts category, you may want to set up a low balance alert. This alert would immediately let you know if your balance ever falls below the amount you choose. You may set the same triggering balance amount for all accounts, or enter different amounts for different accounts. In the same way, you can choose the same delivery method for all accounts, or select different notifications for different accounts. Save will activate the alert. If the balance falls below the amount you enter, you’ll receive the alert in real time.

The power of real time alerts is their flexibility, and ability to keep you informed about activity in your accounts. Track as much or as little as you choose.

Contact Options

Contact Options manages your contact information, including your email addresses and the mobile numbers to use when sending text messages. It’s also where you may add any Do Not Disturb times. Any alerts generated during the Do Not Disturb time frame will be held until the period ends. To add a new email address, just enter the address, and save. When you’re ready to verify the address, send the activation code. Once received, type in the code to activate it. Adding mobile devices is just as easy. Simply enter the ten-digit phone number, and save. Then, activate it by entering the activation code. You can also set up Do Not Disturb guidelines. For example, you may specify that you don’t want to receive alerts between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. Any alerts generated during this period would be held and sent after the Do Not Disturb period ends.

Sent Alerts

Sent Alerts displays alert activity. If any of the alerts you’ve subscribed to are triggered, you’ll see a notification next to the alerts navigation, and the new alert will be added to your list. Orange triangles indicate new, unread alerts. At a glance, you’ll see the date the notification was sent, the alert type, and a detailed description of why it was triggered. Marking an alert as Read removes the alert navigation badge, as well as the alert flag. Deleting an alert not only marks it as Read, but also removes it from your activity. If you have multiple alerts in the list, you may quickly mark all as Read, clearing your alert activity all together.

Legends Bank