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Tips for Improving the ‘Self’ in Self-Employed

Tips for Improving the ‘Self’ in Self-Employed

Though Self-Improvement Month is celebrated every September, many people make self-improvement the focus of their New Year’s resolutions every January. If you own your own business, this has a double meaning for you. When self-employed, growing your ‘self’ translates to growing your business. In the sprit of growth we would like to share a few good practices to consider implementing into your life and the function of your business.

Self-evaluate to see where you are and where you want to be.

Self-evaluation means knowing what areas you can improve. Take an honest look at your life, business, and overall health. Self-evaluations are a necessary device for professional development. Don’t think of it as just finding your flaws, but as an opportunity for you to assess your own strengths and attributes.

There are some important questions you should ask yourself when seeking improvement.

  1. What could I have done better this year?
  2. What are my strengths?
  3. What are my weaknesses and how can I improve on them?
  4. Am I taking time out to keep myself healthy and happy?

Don’t let your personal health fall off your radar.

Part of having a healthy life is knowing ho to keep a balance in your life. Between work, family, community, and friends, don’t forget about yourself!

Prioritize your health. Think of the phrase Health is Wealth and live by it! Personal wellbeing is the first thing many entrepreneurs often sacrifice when building their business. The more care you give yourself the more you can put into your company. Make sure you take time to recharge yourself so that you can be effective and focused.

Self-improvement starts on the inside! Here are some tips to keep your body and mind in top shape.

  1. Drink plenty of water to keep your systems working smoothly.
  2. Get plenty of sleep to keep up your energy.
  3. Be active daily, even if just for 20 minuets.
  4. Unplug, unwind, and be present for optimal mental health.
  5. Eat well. you will feel better and your body will thank you!

Set goals and prioritize them.

Set realistic goals. Without goals you don’t move forward, that makes setting goals one of the most important things to do in your personal life or for your business.

When determining what milestones you want to reach, make sure they are realistic. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are unrealistic.

Make a list of goals and break them up into monthly, quarterly, yearly, and multi-year goals. Now what do you need to reach these goals? Organize your goals by priority on how they benefit you and your business.

Goals should be S.M.A.R.T.

  1. Specific. Goals that are very specific are more likely to be accomplished.
  2. Measurable. It is hard to determine the success of a goal if there is no form of measurement. This will let you know the process of what you set out to do.
  3. Attainable. Is the goal you are setting realistic? Avoid feeling disappointment and frustration by keeping goals achievable.
  4. Relevant. How will reaching this goal help you to grow?
  5. Time Sensitive. Set a timeline for reaching your goal. This will keep you from putting off till tomorrow what can be done today!

Time management keeps you on track.

A common mistake made by small businesses is underestimating their time. Ineffecient processes and being disorganized can lead to failure.

Make sure you are keeping firm deadlines and giving yourself time between jobs/events to play catchup.

Grow and improve yourself and your business.

Take the time to develop yourself personally and professionally. Attend conferences and training events in your community. Many communities offer free courses to help small business development, because local business is what helps your community thrive!

There are a multitude of podcasts out there dedicated to personal and professional growth, you just have to look! Some free podcast are offered by companies such as Forbes, Business Insider, and LinkedIn.

What you do today can help improve all your tomorrows.

Sources: FORA, Forbes, Simple as that, S.M.A.R.T

Resources: Forbes Podcast, Business Insider, LinkedIn

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